Ave Maria (english)

Saturday 5th May 2012:
The most beautiful “Ave Maria” sung by soprano Daniela Dessì
accompanied at the organ by M° Roberto Sacrpa Meylougan
In the “Pontifical Church of Sant’Anna” in the Vatican

The Pontifical Church of Sant’Anna will host the first of an exceptional series of charity events to promote the CD “Ave Maria” by the great soprano Daniela Dessì accompanied at the organ by M° Roberto Scarpa Meylougan.

Saturday 5th May at 20.30 there will be the first of an exceptional series of sacred music events in places of worship in Italy and abroad. In the Pontifical Church of Sant’Anna in the Vatican, the great soprano Daniela Dessì accompanied at the organ by M° Roberto Scarpa Meylougan will sing the most beautiful “Ave Maria” from the sacred repertoire.

Baritone Andrea Castello and the choir “Cappella Musicale di San Francesco d’Assisi” will take part to the concert. The choir will be directed by M° Padre Giuseppe Magrino with organ accompaniment by M° Eugenio Becchetti.

This charity event will be presented by journalist and TV conductor Didi Leone.

His Eminence Cardinal Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, will preside the concert.

“Ave Maria” is a new recording project which will be presented in this series of charity events in Italy and abroad, starting in Vatican City. It is the result of a long research work which has gathered more than thirty musical compositions titled “Ave Maria” for voice and organ of outstanding artistic, musical and spiritual value, written from the XVIII century to our days. The recording was made with the accompaniment of the organ Opus 419 built for the Basilica “Colle Don Bosco” (Asti) by Fratelli Pinchi Ars Organo srl.

The concerts are organized in collaboration with the cultural association “Concetto Armonico” whose honorary associate is Daniela Dessì.


For information and interviews:
“Concetto Armonico” – Press Office
e-mail: ufficiostampa@concettoarmonico.it


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Download Daniela Dessì’s Bio


Daniela Dessì – Foto Nicola Allegri – Fidelio Artist

Maestro Roberto Scarpa - Foto: Edoardo Luppari

Didi Leoni – Foto: Marinetta Saglio
Andrea Castello – Foto: Concetto Armonico